Let’s talk about: Pollen allergies

Welcome to Canberra! Have some pollen. We’ve got loads! In fact, we’re often referred to as the pollen capital of Australia, with an entire website: https://www.canberrapollen.com.au/ dedicated to monitoring levels day to day.

It’s important for those who suffer from allergies (especially itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose or sinus headaches) to note that those counts are usually only measured during anticipated peak seasons, though – most sites will only track September to March or so. It’s also worth noting which part of the high season troubles you most, as each grass or tree variety will have its own peak – though most of us are allergic to more than one species!

So how do you know if you’ve got a pollen allergy?

Well, skin prick allergy testing (which we offer) is certainly the gold standard, and the standard of care Australia-wide. But you’d have to be suspicious in anyone with itchy or watery eyes, a runny or blocked nose, wheezing, snoring, headaches, or itchy, red or dry skin. And then, anyone with asthma or eczema is likely to benefit from better control of their likely allergies too – because we know that all of these conditions share the same root cause in atopy. 

Now I think I have a pollen allergy, what do I do about it?

It depends! If you’re a child, pollen, dust or mould allergies significantly increase your risk of sleep disordered breathing, which can lead to developmental delay, lowered IQ and problems with memory and concentration. We really want to be sure you’ve had testing, have a clear picture of what makes your symptoms better or worse, and can get medical advice on how to live your best life. We welcome children of all ages!

Adults can often manage mild pollen allergies on their own. But in studies, more than 80% of Australian adults with pollen, dust and mould allergies weren’t satisfied with the impact those allergies had on their quality of life. If you’re among them, book online here and come see how we can help you live better!




