In NSW and the ACT, allergy problems affect more than one in three people. Children are particularly at risk, along with people with asthma and eczema. Most people with allergies are allergic to more than one trigger, such as dust, pollens, pets or foods. If you’d like to find out more about whether you have allergies, or how to reduce their impact on your life, get in touch with us today!
At Canberra Allergy at Ochre Bruce, we use the gold standard tests recommended by Australia’s peak body for allergy medicine to identify exactly which allergens are causing you trouble. This is coupled with a detailed history and comprehensive examination by our team of specially trained nurses and doctors who’ve undertaken postgraduate education in allergy medicine. Some patients go on to require more extensive testing or treatment, but most will benefit from a single consult to give them clarity, peace of mind and a plan to manage their allergies.
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.
Mast cells, a part of your body’s immune system, grow underneath the lining of the nose, eyes, skin, stomach and bowel. They are activated by different triggers in different people, which can change through a person’s lifetime. When activated, they release a chemical called ‘histamine’ which can cause skin symptoms including swelling, redness and itching or other symptoms like wheezing, runny nose or watery eyes, depending on the site of exposure.
It can be tough! Because mast cells are found in many different places and we all experience symptoms differently, allergies can manifest in a wide variety of different ways. Itchy or watery eyes, an itchy rash, cough or wheeze, nasal congestion or headaches are often signs of allergy problems. But they can all be caused by something other than an allergy as well, so a thorough history and specialised testing are the best way to know for sure!
There are several options, including patch testing, skin prick testing, blood testing and nasal endoscopy (where a flexible fibre optic endoscope is used to examine your upper respiratory tract).
The gold standard for diagnostic allergy testing across Australia is skin prick testing. It’s a little more expensive than, for example, patch testing because it requires a specially trained nurse, but it offers very detailed information about individual triggers.
Canberra Allergy offers all these tests, however we do not routinely offer testing for medication allergies. That’s not because those allergies are more rare, but because testing for them carries more risk to you and is best undertaken in partnership with a public hospital allergy unit.
First let’s get this out of the way – skin prick testing involves NO needles!
A specially trained nurse will ask you a series of questions about your allergy symptoms, mark a grid on your arm and press a piece of plastic (that’s been treated with the allergen being tested) to each square. It’s normal to feel a sense of pressure or being touched with something pointy but most people do not describe the test as painful.
About 15 minutes later, the nurse will review your arm, measure any reactions and take you to the doctor for an examination and to discuss your results.
Expect to be in the practice for between 40 minutes and an hour – this includes skin prick testing, consults with a nurse and doctor, and a nasal examination if required.
In short, yes.
Skin prick testing is the procedure used by most allergy specialists; it’s thought to be the safest method for allergy testing. There is always a very small risk of severe allergic reactions or other complications with testing – but because you’re being monitored the risk is much lower than the risk of having such an allergy and not knowing about it!
Canberra Allergy offers excellent equipment and fully trained nurses. You will have a chance to discuss all testing with the team at the time of your consult and nothing will be done without your informed prior consent.
As with any medical appointment, the costs vary depending on the service provider and the rebate you receive.
For a standard allergy consult at Canberra Allergy, you should anticipate a gap in the region of $200.
If you need a referral to another service, e.g. for imaging, there will naturally be additional costs.